What's new:
Amanda still getting her tan on and production has been extremely forceful with how she is to do this.She could only shower every 6 hrs after a tan So Amanda has left her mark or rather a full on CSI body stain everywhere she has went.
BBQ was Sunday and damn if I didn't know any better Helen was a the sliding door monitor " No one can go outside and Hey we only have an hour and a half!"
The grilling began with 4 ladies trying to figure out how to light the grill. It was funny and da to watch at the same time. FFS it's an electronic ignition so turn the knobs close the lid, wait a second and then hit the button but nope it took them almost 10 mins to get the darn thing going!
At least BB was generous with the beer and the girls began drinking while Helen spouted out instructions and rules for who to do what (please smack me now) they sat down and began telling high school stories led by Helen ( yeah kill me now was running thru my head )
Inside cone head Gina Marie was in HOH barking crap about Candice that she didn't care about her and that she can sit down there all by herself
8/4/13 4:46 cams 1/2
Candice doesn't feel welcomed in the HOH and GM has made it clear to everyone but is fake as a 2 dollar bill to her face. The minute Candice is gone GM is mean mugging making faces ,noises and throws popcorn at the closed door.
BBQ is over and immediately Helen came back inside with a buzz on and grabbed Andy to tell him that she heard that next week Amanda is trying to back door her and that her "friends in the house" told her Amanda is not as close as an allie as she thinks and followed it with and don't tell anyone. Andy did ask who said this and Helen told him she had to talk to GM but it was Aaryn and Jessie
Andy assured her he wouldn't tell but of course he went running to Amanda to tell her that Helen thinks that she is getting back doored next week. Amanda doesn't know where this is coming from and the "lets get Amanda out" paranoia is back on.
Elissa and Helen are plotting via fake sleeping while holding her mic in the drawing room on how to get Andy to vote Amanda out
After tons of talking with Aaryn Aaryn tells her Helen wants Candice to stay and Amanda replies over me? Amanda is depressed on hearing this and it's exactly what Aaryn want
Amanda grabbed McCrae went to the cockpit and Andy joined them .It took a while but Amada finally said that she can not trust Aaryn
8/4/13 cams 1/2 7:18 pm BBT
Amanda:"The only way this came from I was talking to McCrae and giving him options and Aaryn was talking about putting up Elissa next week and then I said that Helen is scarier than Elissa so that came from Aaryn so we cant talk to Aaryn anymore"
Over in Have Not room Aaryn tells Judd that Amanda and thinks you are going to vote her out and this makes Judd paranoid.which is what Aaryn wants to do
7:33pm cams 1/2
Andy told Helen they don't have the votes to get out Amanda this week but soon. Helen goes to get Jessie so they can talk together about not getting Amadna out
Aaryn then goes up to the HOH and tells GM that Judd might flip with Jessie Elissa Helen. GM beings her HOH-itis power tripping rants
8/4/13 cams 3/4 7:58 pm BBT
Gina Marie"What do I got to do? If Judd doesn't vote with us I will put him on the block and I'll tell Andy that too! What do I have to do go on the balcony and say "HEY MOTHERFUCKERS I STILL GOT TO PUT SOMEONE UP TOMORROW SO YOU BETTER BE UP HERE AND KISS MY ASS AGAIN" I'm going to scare him! I got power! I'll tell him I'll put him up tomorrow so you don't need to talk to him I need to talk to him!
GM gets Judd up to HOH and tells him she's fucked him in the assd with the Nick vote and wants to know if he is still voting out Candice. This freaked Judd out and he asked her if he was going up. GM says no as long as you vote Candice out.
Aaryn freaked out that GM went and got Judd so she left the HOH room and went to the color block room and laid there freaking out on what GM might be doing to Judd
Amanda was on a low key freakout the rest of the night and McCrae told her she can not trust anyone but him. Amanda got reassurance from Gina marie she was not going home
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