Monday, August 5, 2013

POV Replacement Nomination and the overnight Judd freak out #BB15

The Stats:

Howard evicted 0-7-1

Gina Marie won HOH Bull in a China Shop 

There are no have nots this week

THe first 3 people to drop got to pick a box

Helen won the BBQ Cookout and gets to pick 3 people for it  Elissa Aaryn and Jessie - completed

Candice won the $5000

Spencer has to use a bull horn to talk with  for 24 hrs -completed

Thursday will be a Live Double Eviction

America is MVP again

Gina Marie Nominated Jessie and Candice 

America Nominated Amada to be on the block as the 3rd nominee

POV players Gina Marie Amanda Candice Jessie Players picked Spencer Judd Host was Aaryn

Jessie wins POV

POV Comp was "Bad Santa" 

Spencer won a trip to the Bahamas

Judd won $5000

Amanda has to have a spray tanned every time music is played for 48 hrs

Candice  has to wear a Clownie-tard for a week 

Gina Marie has to wear a cone of shame for 48 hrs it can not be removed

Jessie used POV on herself

Gina Marie nominated Spencer to be the replacement 

Amanda Candice and Spencer on the block and up for Eviction


8/5/13 cams 3/4 3:00 am
Jessie finally gets to make out with Judd and then says that Candice told Jessie that she was in the room when Amanda said that she thought Judd was MVP right before the veto comp.

This put more paranoia into Judd's head which started hours prior from Aaryn saying that Amanda thinks he was going to vote her out and flip the house. 

8/5/13 3:18 am cams 1/2
Judd and Spencer piecing things together

Judd wants Helen to go over Elissa and they confirm they want to work together

4:08 am cams 1/2
Judd tells Spencer not to say anything but then goes and tells Amanda and McCrae 

5:28  cams 1/2 McCrae makes sure that Judd is in bed so Amanda and McCrae can talk

Amanda wants to know why Judd was so adamant about not telling Andy what they just talked about. Amanda thinks Judd wants the girls out (and he does!)

Amanda is spinning like a top and  finally Judd heads to bed  and McCrae said that Judd's lying and they head off to bed at daylight .

6:08 am cam3 
Amanda cant sleep so she gets out of bed and sits outside for a a smoke or 2 alone

Feeds back at 10:48 am 

After the POV ceremony Spencer and GM  up in the HOH GM assures Spencer he's not the target

As of right now the house is calm Amanda and Jessie have mended their bridges

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