Sunday, August 18, 2013

#BB15 Spoilers POV Results 8-17-13

The Stats:

Jessie evicted 6-0

Aaryn wins HOH Way Off Broadway

Next Thursday a Jury member comes back into the game (TBD)

America voted Head Cheese and Habaneros as the Have Not food

Have Nots are Amanda Gina Marie Helen and Elissa

Aaryn Nominated Elissa and Helen to be on the Block

POV Players Elissa Helen Aaryn Spencer Gina Marie Andy picked as HG choice McCrae Host 

Elissa Won POV


What's New: 

All cams 4:51 pm BBT 

Big Brother came over the speakers and said :HouseGuests Remember to enjoy yourself today THESE are the good old days :  4:51 BBT

That makes sense now since the comp was questions of previous HG pairs: Candice and Howard, Jessie and Judd , Kaitlin and Jeremy

Elissa won POV
Helen is already kissing ass 

Elissa whacked Andy in the eye with one of the "objects" that they had to find for OTEV

Don't worry it's just marker!

Helen cornered McCrae to make sure that Spencer is going up and that he is going home 
McCrae just gave her lip service  full of yeah's 

I'll write a more indepth blog tomorrow .. 

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