Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hurricane Jessie was hit with a cold front and downgraded to just a breeze last night #BB15

The Stats:

MVP Twist is over

9 Person Jury

Andy won HOH

Have Nots  Elissa Helen Gina Marie and Aaryn

America chose Mung Beans and Mackerel as the Have Not Food

Andy nominated Jessie and Spencer on the block

POV players Andy Spencer Jessie Picked  Elissa Helen Amanda  Host was McCrae

Andy won POV

Andy did not use the POV

Spencer and  Jessie are up for Eviction

What's New:

Hurricane Jessie tore through the house during the early morning making sure that the Texas Twister was in her path of destruction

Jessie rolled out comment after comment to annoy Aaryn during the early morning while other HG's were inside and sleeping. Aaryn shot right back  telling her to fuck off and that she is going home

Once Elissa was outside she began calling Elissa 'Rachel's Shadow and referred to Aaryn as Barney because she was wearing a purple bathing suit

 It was very entertaining to say the least! 

Helen was of course disgusted by Jessie's actions but too bad Helen she was entertaining and that's more than i can say for you this entire season! 

Eventually Amanda came out and told Jessie i know what you are doing.  Jessie wanted to make herself the biggest target in t e house so they will keep her.
Jessie heading inside to take her morning shower and Elissa was in the have not shower.
 Jessie: OH this hot shower feels so nice I can stay in here all day!

Elissa  doesn't say a word but her face tells all about what she thinks of the jabs! 

Jessie threw a slew of insults at Elissa and  Aaryn but the funniest was when she took her towel and laid down poolside next to Elissa 

Aaryn didnt find this amusing what so ever and she said under her breath: " This is not even funny"

Jessie admitted to spencer that she made a big breakfast just to  have bacon aroma run the  house to bother the have nots. And that she was leaving her plates and glasses all over the house.

Eventually it was time for Jessie's nap and all the fun die down. 

The rest of the HG's took their jabs at Jessie's behavior while she slept

Meanwhile Amanda felt it was time she was back as the center of attention and decided that she wanted to get married to McCrae so the ladies of the house, except Jessie,  worked the rest of the day for Princess Amanda's wedding

The dress attire was bed sheets for the ladies and some really poor outfits for the guys.

Jessie finally woke up and talked to Amanda who gave her some advice to apologize to everyone and  that things can always change.

So Hurricane Jessie began the  agonizing journey of humbleness and apologized to everyone. 

The only one who didnt say it's ok  and let it go was elissa who decided to try and make a point that she didn't do anything to Jessie  to be  in her crosshairs. But then said she accepted her apology

The wedding didn't go off as planned because Princess Amanda  didn't get her booze request filled and decided to yell at production about not having enough alcohol for the wedding 
FB 10:20 pm cams 1/2

Amanda finally heads down for the ceremony 

The ceremony was lame and awkward with some really weird passages selected by McCrae to be read by Andy 

The HG's threw mung beans instead of rice and now the turf is littered with them and cant get them out!

Elissa caught the Bouquet and Andy caught the Garter 

Now  that's it's "official" everyone knows that McCrae and Amanda will be having sex in the house to consummate  the fake marriage

What a waste of camera time and my time.  It was all for attention and I really hope that this is not even a segment on the aired show. But we all know it will be.

Jessie's agenda today  consists of her offering deals of her HOH noms or even throwing the HOH to them just to keep her. 

They are sending Jessie packing either way  so it's a YES to her face but a Vote to Evict behind her back. 

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