Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Gina Marie's last stance in power, Competition Practice Game and Halfway Party! #BB15

The Stats: 

Howard evicted 0-7-1

Gina Marie won HOH Bull in a China Shop

There are no have nots this week

THe first 3 people to drop got to pick a box

Helen won the BBQ Cookout and gets to pick 3 people for it  Elissa Aaryn and Jessie - completed

Candice won the $5000

Spencer has to use a bull horn to talk with  for 24 hrs -completed

Thursday will be a Live Double Eviction

America is MVP again

Gina Marie Nominated Jessie and Candice

America Nominated Amada to be on the block as the 3rd nominee

POV players Gina Marie Amanda Candice Jessie Players picked Spencer Judd Host was Aaryn

Jessie wins POV

POV Comp was "Bad Santa"

Spencer won a trip to the Bahamas

Judd won $5000

Amanda has to have a spray tanned every time music is played for 48 hrs -completed

Candice  has to wear a Clownie-tard for a week

Gina Marie has to wear a cone of shame for 48 hrs it can not be removed-completed

Jessie used POV on herself

Gina Marie nominated Spencer as the replacement

Amanda Candice and Spencer are on the block and up for Eviction

What's New: 

Normally we would have a full day of gaming and campaigning but it seems to everyone that Candice has accepted her fate. But Jessie is working to secure her position in the house for next week.

12:47 pm BBT Aaryn is doing the same but by telling everyone that Gina Marie is crazy and she is wearing on her nerves. Aaryn doesn't want to  be associated with Gina Marie

Aaryn tells Amanda that Gina Marie doesn't like her and would put her on the block and that the only reason GM didn't put her on the block was because of Aaryn

Amanda leaves saying she doesn't want to hear it and I can tell that Amanda doesn't believe her

Judd Tells Aaryn that  he's trying to separate more from Jessie and Aaryn says the same for her with Gina Marie

Amanda tells Elissa that Aaryn is telling her that Gina Marie doesn't like her .Elissa says that she never heard about that and that Aaryn makes stuff up. Amanda then tells Helen the same. 

Gina Marie  is worried that people are not going to vote out Candice so she tolls Aaryn she is going to talk to each person again to see where their heads are later on.

SideBar : This girl is power tripping hard core. she thinks that she still has a say  in what people do.

4:00pm BBT all feeds 
After a quick inside lockdown the hg's get a practice comp. The rules are  for ALL HG's to practice and this sends up signals to everything that there might be a double eviction and the scrambling begins. 

After another lockdown the game is removed and the HG's are told  they are having a half way party which we were blocked from.


Spencer's kiddie porn joke went to far and the local police investigated his house per TMZ

Gina Marie's HOH Blog: Gina Marie's HOH Blog

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