Helen evicted 4-1
All 4 Jurors came back to compete in HOH Off The Wall
Judd won the right to stay in the game out of the Jurors
Elissa wins HOH
Elissa Nominated Aaryn and McCrae
What's New:
Everyone was rehashing the HOH comp and Judd's return into the house
Elissa gave us a fake out before we got to see her HOH room
It was an awkward scene and vibe up in the HOH as the ass kissing continued
Elissa got Taylor Swift Cd A letter from Rachel and some hand paintings from her kids and a yoga mat and some Skinny Italian flavored wine/vodka
The morning the HG's were worked up early and told to get ready for an outside lockdown
Judd and Elissa kept assuring each other they would work with each other
They all made it to the SMALLER table which is a big deal in the Big Brother House and Game and some Big Brother Bowls
11:53am BBT cams 3/4
Elissa and GM pre nom talk GM knows she is safe
12:35 pm cams 3/4
Aaryn up to make her case with Elissa aaryn throws Amanda under the bus and tries to make a F2 deal with Elissa and a vote who you want out deal
Elissa I gave up a lot to be here too and its a big deal for me to be here
Aaryn tells Elissa "Well you are Big Brother Blood and i know how much you deserve to be here"
OK hold on cuz this stare that Elissa gives Aaryn really means WHAT THE FUCK do you mean by that comment!
Aaryn wraps it up with her scratchy voice and her forced tears
Arryn goes into the fetal position after her talk with Elissa
12:48 Andy up to plead his case
Elissa tells him he's not going up and wants to know if he would put up Amanda and McCrae next week Andy doesn't want to put up people that he trusts. Elissa flat out tells him that she cant tell him things because he tells Amanda and McCrae things
Elissa makes a 2 week deal with Andy
McCrae tells Elissa it doesn't make sense that she wants to put him up
Elissa isn't buying it and after 5 mins a glaze came over Elissa's eyes where she could care less what McCrae was saying.
Elissa ended it by saying you're going up
Judd back up to the HOH to talk to Eliss and they shake on a F2 deal
Amanda stayed in bed after noms and said that this is the most defeated she has ever been while she shoveled cake into her mouth
Aaryn Amanda McCrae are pissed at Gina Marie thinking she is kissing Elissa's butt
And Spencer made a one week deal with Elissa Thursday night so he feels safe with that.
There has been no Have Not Comp today and the HG's are on Inside Lockdown for the POV on Saturday
The season is ending soon and you don't want to be without the LIVE FEEDS You can buy them from us here to see all the Comps, Fights Tears and Final days!
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