Candice Evicted 7-0-0
MVP Twist is over
9 people will be in the jury
Aaryn wins HOH Comp Summer School
POV Players Aaryn Spencer Jessie Andy Judd Amanda
POV Comp Nailed It
Aaryn wins POV
Aaryn uses POV on Jessie
Aaryn puts up Judd as the replacement nomination
Judd is Evicted 7-0
Andy won HOH
Have Nots Elissa Helen Gina Marie and Aaryn
What's New:
When we come back from the Double Eviction we get Helen saying to Aaryn that she is Janelle. Well that couldn't be further from the truth and Janelle took to twitter to make a statement about it!
Amanda grabs Aaryn in the Have Not room and tells her that we will never doubt you. You proved your loyalty to us. It's McCrae me Andy and you as the F4
Meanwhile Andy grabs Spencer in the storage room and tells him you were never going anywhere you are good and Spencer thanks him
After the Double Eviction there were many tears from the HG's about having to vote out Judd
Most of the HG's gathered in the drawing room to sob together
But the hg's needed to get focused to participate in the upcoming HOH.They were reeling from what Gina Marie's said to Candice as she was leaving. All agreed that it was inappropriate. Gina Marie tried to defend it by saying she wasn't going to sit there and be called out
Sidebar: Look for that to come back and kick her in the ass!
HOH comp ends just before BBAD starts and we find out that Andy has won HOH
10:35 cams 3/4 The HG's pack up Judd's stuff
10:40 pm cams 3/4 Andy and McCrae cry over Judd leaving
11:23 pm cams 1/2
Gina Marie and Andy in the storage room after taking Judds belongings there
GM: I got to worry about this "twat face" in jury now. she's got no class I'm not going to sit there and get ripped open ya know that's why i put her up
Andy yeps her and leaves the SR
8/9/13 all feeds Andy gets his HOH at midnight
Andy's Letter from his Mom
1:25am Everyone out back being social
3:15 am cams 1/2 Andy calling it a night
3:15 am cams 3/4 the Have Nots talking about how they had to get rid of Judd
Aaryn says that Judd kissed her on the lips after the Halfway party in the bathroom
3:29am cams 3/4 Have Nots call it a night
3:44am cam 3 Jessie out back by the hot tub having her last smoke of the night
3:46 am cam 3 Jessie goes to bed she has the color block room all to herself
Who will be nominated today? Talk is Jessie and Spencer with Spencer as the pawn, Gina Marie as the replacement if either win POV with Gina marie going home if Jessie wins POV otherwise Jessie is the main target
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