Saturday, August 17, 2013

#BB15 Spoilers Nominations,Have Have Not Competition and The Death of Clownie

The Stats:

Jessie evicted 6-0

Aaryn wins HOH Way Off Broadway

Next Thursday a Jury member comes back into the game (TBD)

America voted Head Cheese and habaneros as the have Not food

Have Nots are Amanda Gina Marie Helen and Elissa

Aaryn Nominated Elissa and Helen to be on the Block 

What's New:

Have not competitions  were in 2 teams. McCrae Andy Spencer and Aaryn on one team. Elissa Gina Marie Helen and Amanda on another. 

Sounds like they were separated from each other  and had to  beat each teams time in order to not be a have not 

They threw away all of the display Have not food 

Helen and Elissa are on the block with Helen as the target. Elissa Apologized to helen saying that she is the reason that helen is on the block due to Thursday's Live Show seating arrangement where Elissa didn't want to sit near Aaryn or Gina marie  (see previous blog for that update) 

Helen was told that Elissa is the target. But Helen turned on the fake tears either way when she talked to Elissa

Amanda told Elissa that she has to fight and win veto that she is not the target and  that they have to stop saving  each other. Amanda also  told Elissa that Helen came up to the HOH and threw her under the bus saying that Elissa wanted to walk away from jury

Helen is trying to get Spencer as the replacement nom and send him packing. McCrae and Andy are just saying yes as Helen is the target.

During the night someone hung Clownie  from the HOH shower Aaryn wants revenge. 

What's to come: POV Picks and POV

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