Friday, July 12, 2013

The Eviction, The Tears The Aftermath and The Courageousness of Howard #BB15

Nick is the Second HG Evicted 

Nick received 7 votes, Helen received 0 votes, Elissa received 4 votes

Helen wins HOH OverNight Delivery True/False with 2 tie Breaker Questions 

Have Nots are Mccrae Amanda Judd Jessie

Helen nominated Aaryn and Kaitlin 

What went down:

Nick 's blindside 

We cherish the aftermath of great blindsides as fans and this one will be a memorable one.

Props to Helen for winning HOH  

But unfortunately that's not the headline news in the BB House The Aftermath is!

After Nick walked out those doors Gina Marie lost it  as we all knew she would.  And as confirmed by Andy she was going off cursing up a storm. 

There were many flashback moments  that need to be key points 

 On 7/11/13 

10:39pm  cam 3/4 Aaryn flips Candice's mattress 

10:48pm cam 3/4 Candice discovers her flipped mattress

10:53pm  cam 3/4 Aaryn gets sassy with Candice and brings up Candice's crabs

10:54pm  cam 3/4   Gina Marie jumps up and snaps at Candice

10:54pm cam 3/4 Howard carries Candice out of the room 

11:10pm  cam 3/4 Amanda gives it to Aaryn

 11:20 Howard prays with Candice for strength

11:27pm  cam 3/4 Howard fights his own temper in the have not room


1:25 am cams 3/4 McCrae tells Amanda about the moving company 

There are many moments not to be missed though all those key flashbacks. 

Other highlights 

Candice lost her shit  right after the HOH comp out back 

We had tons of bitterness in the house from Kaitlin Aaryn and Gina Marie.

Tons of tears from Gina Marie who cried  for HOURS about Nick being gone. 

Tons of  secret cheering from the "Good" side Amanda Mccrae Elissa Jessie Judd Candice Elissa Andy  and Helen 

Tons of fake sucking up Howard and Spencer and Jeremy

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