Jeremy and Aaryn both win HOH BBB Barbeque
Aaryn is HOH
Aaryn gets HOH power and got to pick the have nots
Jeremy gets to compete in next week's HOH
Aaryn does not
Jeremy does not get an automatic to play in POV he can only play if his name is picked
Aaryn picked the Have Nots as Elissa Helen Candice and Andy
America chose Lima Beans and Liver for the Have Nots
Aaryn nominated Helen and Elissa on the block up for Elimination
Elissa chosen as MVP by America
Elissa picked Jeremy as the MVP nomination
POV players were Aaryn Helen and Elissa Amanda and Nick were picked to play and Gina Marie was the host
Jeremy won POV
Jeremy used POV on himself
Nick is named the replacement nomination
Elissa Nick and Helen are on the block up for eviction
Ok now for the good stuff Seems like there still is a movement to keep Elissa in the house.
Amanda took one for the team last night /early this morning by having a little or a lot of play time with McCrae on the hammock . Not sure if this will help him be loyal to her and keep Elissa
Another hug movement is that Aaryn no longer wants Kaitlin around. In fact Aaryn said that she's getting annoying!
The downside of this is that Aaryn's pride kept her from directly telling Elissa to put up Kaitlin which would have taken care of business for everyone.
So Elissa nominated Nick as the replacement and it seems that the votes will come down to McCrae.
I think there will be zero votes for Helen
Amanda Andy Candice Judd for Nick to be evicted
Howard Spencer Jeremy Kaitlin Jessie Gina Marie for Elissa to be evicted
Other honorable mentions:
Suspicion that Nick is Dan Gheesling cousin
There was a strip tease act last night with all of the girls
Kaitlin and Jeremy finally had sex, or at least simulated sex up in the HOH while Aaryn gave up her bed for them and slept in the bed with Jessie downstairs for the night.
Helen, Candice and Amanda are very close to finally putting the pieces together regarding the Moving Company Alliance .
Helen and candice know that something is up with Spencer and he can't be trusted.
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