Saturday, July 27, 2013

#BB15 POV Spoilers and the plan for the rest of the week

Kaitlin Evicted 0-9-0

Aaryn wins HOH Roulette Me Win

Have Nots are Gina Marie Amanda Candice and Judd

America gave the Have Nots Ramen Noodles and Raisins

Aaryn Nominated Spencer and Howard to be on the block

America's MVP Nomination is Amanda

POV players Aaryn Amanda Howard Spencer Jessie  Candice Helen Hosted

Spencer won POV

Now What?

With Spencer winning the POV Candice is  sure to go up in his replacement. Amanda and Helen have already stated they need her on the block so she cant vote for Howard.

Aaryn  wants Candice up because she claims that all the things that  Aaryn has gone through in the house has been partially because of Candice.

Aaryn just doesn't want Candice to go off on her  saying that she is racists and that she is putting up the 2 black people in the house  

This is what the plan is for the Knockouts:

Judd's supposed to stick by Spencer's side 

Amanda's job is to get closer to Gina Marie to secure her vote

On the other side of the house: 

Candice is to make nice with Jessie and then try to get Elissa Andy  Jessie and Helen to flip back on their side and vote out Amanda

According to Andy  McCrae and Amanda the vote should be 7-1 -0 Spencer will be the single vote for Howard

The HG's dropped hints that the POV was a puzzle and that Amanda had 2 pieces left to finish and Candice only had 1/2 of the puzzle done 

Candice also mentioned that there was a random Diamond just hanging out there on the puzzle.

Candice was thinking that there is  going to be a Pandora's Box with the Diamond POV

The Knockouts also agree that there will be a Pandora's Box with the Diamond POV

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