Monday, July 22, 2013

Funky Froyo got nothin on Gina Marie #BB15 UPDATED!

The Stats:

Jeremy evicted 9-0-1

Judd won HOH in Big Brother Royalty

America is MVP this week, we get to chose which HG we want to nominate as the 3rd person

Have Not Comp Funky Froyo 

Have Not's are Candice Spencer Jessie and Andy 

Have Not Food Macaroni and Mango's

Judd nominated Aaryn and Kaitlin to be on the block

America nominated Elissa to be on the block

POV players are Judd Elissa Kaitlin Aaryn  Mccrae Helen were picked Andy hosted

Elissa won POV but has to sit out the next POV

McCrae won $5000

Judd had Solitary Confinement for 24 hrs in the cockpit room with a loaf of bread a bucket of slop  a jug of water and an alarm that buzzes every 9 mins -Completed

Helen has a curfew that she has to be in bed at 8pm for 2 nights and can not talk to anyone while on curfew from 8pm -5am and had to wear a blindfold all through the night. -Completed

Onto the good stuff!

Everyone is paranoid in the house since America voted Elissa on the block and yes we know that there must have been others that were before Elissa namely Aaryn but either way Elissa won veto and will be taking herself  off the block.

We finally got toe see what Gina Marie's true strength is and that is her ability to suck down soft serve ice cream like no other   Or as Judd put it" Gina Marie is like a baby bird being fed by it's mom" 

Amanda gave McCrae a birthday present in the form of  strip tease. Was this too Risky?

Last night McCrae proposed to Amanda at his secluded birthday dinner in the HOH

We're waiting to see who the replacement MVP nomination is.So will this turn the house sideways and have more  paranoia or will this calm the masses? Will production finally tell them them about the twist and the order that America voted the MVP noms.

We'll find out soon enough!! 

UPDATE! Gina Marie is the replacement MVP Nomination! 

Watch for melt downs for the rest of the week she already said that if production calls her she's not going ! 

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