Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Big Brother 15 House is Revealed on etonline.com

Don't even think about sleeping or napping when there is Big Brother 15 News that may come out!

CBS, Julie Chen and etonline.com have released a small tour of the Big Brother 15 house.

I find it odd that after saying it's going to be a bigger cast this season that all Julie Chen could point out is that there are 16 players. I'm not buying it!!! You don't go through all that promoting  of BIGGER and it be only 16 HG's. I do believe that they will have more Houseguests enter the house on the first night but my theory has always been that at least 3 people will be evicted on the first shot.  

You may ask why am I thinking this, and that's a good question. Jodi Rollins was evicted the first nite of the LIVE AIRED Show and even though she physically walked out that door her presence in the Big Brother 14 house lasted to the very very end. It was the best on going BB14 joke in the house. So why not try and mimic that. But with Big Brother nothing is ever just small. Lets THORIZE they amp it up by  "doing the Jodi" to 3 HG's on the first eviction! However to keep the season in line with the number of weeks those that got "Jodi'd" might still have a chance to get back into the game so maybe they will land in sequester! Again I'm just not sold on the"only" 16 HG's Seating that was pointed out.

I know, sounds nutty  right? Well at least I'm not going around making up rumors! My speculations at least have some sort of connections and that's all we Big Brother fans need to make us go hmmmmm!

Now back to the house.. I'm not liking it but that doesn't  mean it wont play out well in the game. At least we can put that freaking rumor of the  house being in HD to rest! All those  people out that that went running with that one.. geesh!

I definitely think that the sofas in the living room and no nomination chairs that we are use to seeing will mean that more than 1 person will be evicted. BUT I believe there will be sequester for several of the first evictees as mentioned above. And yes the sofa to me scream TEAMS!! If it's teams automatically it means that there are no initial floaters in the game. Eventually they might become one but to start with  nope. And as Julie Chen  mentioned in a Q&A there will be no floaters.

OK so enough of me and my ramblings.. After taking a look at the official etonline Big Brother sneak peak of the house, tell me what you think in the comment section below.

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