The Stats:
Amanda Evicted on a tie breaker by Gina Marie 3-2
McCrae won HOH Go Fetch
McCrae nominated Elissa and Gina Marie
Judd won POV BB500
Judd did not use the POV
Elissa Evicted 3-0
Spencer won HOH
Spencer got to dish out Punishments from HOH to 3 HG's
McCrae and Gina Marie are handcuffed for 24 hrs
Judd has to do Exercises every time a whistle blows for 24 hrs
Andy had a shot at wining $5000 but only won $94.00
Spencer Nominated Gina Marie and McCrae to be on the block
What's New:
I know it's been awhile since I have taken the time to write a blog for all the fans. This blog stuff was never to be a lengthy in depth blog. It was just supposed to be a "buffer" for the live shows and recaps that I do.
But I have found that most fans enjoyed reading them with the view counts I began receiving. I also noticed some people or "bloggers" enjoyed stealing my work.
I was always ticked off about that but figured it will be ok as long as doing this PAID OFF. But as many bloggers, writers and short comers know it doesn't PAY OFF EVER!
I spent hours gathering information for the blog. Information that I already spent hours transcribing on a forum. I was doing double the amount of work. And for what? Adsense? Adsense is a joke! Especially with everyone that has AdBlock and that includes me!
For the amount of time to piece out the work, lay it out, screencap, watermark, get FlashBack times and then to post to have only made $0.54 in August IS A FREAKING JOKE!
This season never had high hopes once the cast drank a ton of STUPIDITY with ass wiping of hats to racial slurs and bed flipping. But now that we are left with 5 HG's that are nothing more than farting, burping, cursing, bashing, degrading, delusional, dick pulling, dick smacking and circle back to bashing of HG's that are no longer in the house I AM DONE writing about it!
I so appreciate all those that have written/blogged/posted in the past season's. I have went to their sites to see THEIR viewpoint of things going on inside the BB house and will continue to do so.
With me doing LIVE Shows and Recaps Shows you get my viewpoint loud and clear! And yes I know sometimes TOO LOUD!
Bottom line I'm not going into solitude it's just a blog that was a buffer to live shows for the Big Brother 15 season that's being put to rest... for now.
You can always catch me on social media.You know you can hit me up at anytime and I will get back to you.
So I will wrap this up THANKING EVERY ONE OF YOU that read my blogs! Trust me the numbers were insane and never expected! Thank You Thank You!
You all know where to find me on Twitter @UgotBronx
And you also know you can find me where I transcribe at Reality Fan Forum
Friday, September 6, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
#BB15 POV Ceremony Spoilers, Amanda gets verbally aggressive with Elissa
The Stats:
Helen evicted 4-1
All 4 Jurors came back to compete in HOH Off The Wall
Judd won the right to stay in the game out of the Juror
Elissa wins HOH
Elissa Nominated Aaryn and McCrae
POV Players: Elissa Aaryn McCrae Picked Amanda Gina Marie HouseGuest Choice Judd Andy Hosted
Amanda won POV
What's New: 8/24/13
Elissa had a long DR session and when she came out she grabbed Aaryn and told Aaryn that she made a mistake and that she wants her to win Veto and she wants to Back Door Amanda..
We then had a block from the feeds where they picked for POV Players
Aaryn ran and told Amanda that Elissa wants to keep her and BD Amanda and this set Amanda off
We had mass chaos that whole night.
The HG's didn't go to sleep till early morning and at 10 am BBT we went to trivia
We didn't come back from to the live feeds till @ 1:15 pm BBT With Amanda winning and sporting her POV
FB 8/24/13 @ 1:35 pm Amanda says in the Bathroom
"Im coming after that bitch like osama bin laden omg she fucked me so far and she can eat my fucking asshole with a silver spoon.. I will murder that bitch in my sleep"
Elissa cried to Judd up in the HOH because she really wanted Amanda to go home. Judd tried to cheer her up but it didn't work
Andy began to get nervous knowing that he might be a replacement nom
Amanda told Aaryn that there was no way she was going home ever and that from this point on she doesn't care what deals she made with Elissa that she is not to talk to her anymore
Amanda gave out instructions to Aaryn to get GM back under her control because GM is up Elissa's butt
Aaryn went up to talk to Elissa about who would she nominate but Elissa didn't give her any response so Aaryn marched out of the room
McCrae told Andy that he's voting out Aaryn and that Andy shouldn't worry
GM went up to talk to Elissa and make sure she's not going up Eliss told her that Aaryn came up throwing GM under the bus and hinting that GM should go up on the block
Spencer takes his chance to talk game with Elissa and says that he wants Amanda out so he will vote out Aaryn for her and Honor their deal
Aaryn then comes up to the HOH while Spencer is there and tells Elissa that GM is lying to her just to stay safe and that if she wins HOH next week GM will put up Elissa. This i is Amanda's plan and Aaryn was a fool to go along and say it
Andy breaks down and says that the Zingbot POV Zinger he got really bothers him. That he is not a floater and that he doesn't want to go home by the hands of Elissa and being backstabbed by Amanda and McCrae
8/25/13 cams 1/2 4:25 BBT Amanda goes up to HOH to talk with Elissa and rub her face in the fact she won Veto
Amanda goes off on Elissa and visa versa.. Amanda tells Elissa to go ahead and nominate Andy he will go home and that she will get go home next week and walks out of the HOH
Amanda tells Andy to work Judd and Spencer to make them get Eliss to put up GM
@ 8:38 pm Amanda goes over to Elissa who is on the hammock with GM . She over heard Elissa talking about Amanda's Miscarriage . GM says that she didn't know and Amanda begins to call out Elissa talking about her personal situation
SIDEBAR: Week 1 of the Live Feeds Amanda said it was an Abortion to Kaitlin but now she is saying it's a miss carriage either way Amanda was the one who told people so it's all fair game and Elissa was only stating her opinion and stance to GM about it.
Amanda's next plan is to make GM her best friend so that Elissa will get scared that GM was playing her and she will put GM on the block.
SideBar: Elissa told GM in the HOH after veto to make sure that you keep your distance from me so they don't think anything has changed.
Andy goes up to HOH and wakes up Elissa to find out what she is going to do. Elissa doesn't tell him anything. says she doesn't know.
9:20 pm BBT Amanda bashes Elissa's family kids and Husband
Spencer Judd and Andy think they have convinced Elissa in the cockpit to put up GM and Andy starts to relax
@11:20 pm BBT
Judd gets grilled by Amanda and Judd calls out Amanda for smiling when he was backdoored on the Double Eviction. She wanted to know what he was talking to Elissa about and he told her to go talk to her yourself.
Judd has had enough of Amanda
8/25/13 11:40 am Judd and Elissa up in HOH
Judd tries to convince Elissa that she needs to put up GM to make sure Aaryn is gone
Elissa tells Judd that he is blind if he believes that Andy isn't still working with Amanda and Mccrae
1:48pm Judd tells Andy in the cockpit that he is most likely going up on the block
Andy then tells Mccrae that he's going up and Mccrae says that he will stay and not to worry Amanda in and tells andy to act like he's miserable all day
SideBar: Elissa was right Andy is still working with Amanda and Mcrae
Amanda decides that she wants to chase Elissa around the house and taunt her. Amanda again makes personal attacks on Elissa's family and husband
Amanda takes the Veto Plaque of Elissa's and puts it in the lower bathroom on the toilet
Elissa stayed up in her HOH room for most of the day and night.
Amanda took a condom and put it inside Elissa's memory wall ky and then took a maxi pad adn put ketchup on it and put it by her things
Elissa told production that she was tired of it and that she felt threatened and BB finally told Amanda to back off
Amanda tells Aaryn that she was called into the Dr and she didn't get in trouble but when she saw the person who she had to talk she was like WHOA. and that brought on fishies
SideBar: That had to be AG herself because Amanda most likely wouldn't listen to anyone that's just a PA in the DR
Amanda finally said that she was tired and that chasing Elissa around was exhausting
The HG's were told that the Photo Booth was reopened and this freaked Amanda out thinking that Elissa was getting a Pandora's Box but it was just that they didn't have enough photo's
Late night GM Spencer Judd and Andy formed a new alliance called the exterminators. however i do not believe it to be real as far as Andy goes. He will not leave Amanda and McCrae.
There was tons of drama in the past 72 hrs and my take on it is that Amanda crossed a line when she went personal and after hat I couldn't deal with writing a blog about it. I'm all for good game play but it seems that Amand and McCrae think it's ok for other's to be nominated but how dare Elissa nominate any of them. Andy is in the same boat with me he feels it's ok for him to use Elissa the first few weeks to his benefit and when she needs to make a move that she's an idiot Robot.
When the game gets like this i can be happy and write about it. In every season when it has cross this line i was able to take a step back from the hate but since i began this blog i feel that i owe it to all the people that read it an update.
What Happened today: 8/26/13
Amanda used the POV on McCrea and Andy was Nominated
Cams 1/2 11:03 am
Amanda went right back to taunting Elissa asking her how many doctors it took for her to get her face like it is. And why doesn't she look like any of her pictures
Elissa just laughed in Amanda's face and headed up to HOH to eat in peace
Aaryn goes into the kitchen and tells Elissa " you're a bitch I hope your son is proud of you"
Amanda told Aaryn that McCrae wants to keep Andy because he was part of their alliance before she was . That is Amanda's way of working a Jury vote.
Aaryn told Gina marie that she's not to trust them and that she doesn't have the votes to stay and that McCrae was not going to vote to keep her.
GM plays this part perfectly with fake tears and all
Helen evicted 4-1
All 4 Jurors came back to compete in HOH Off The Wall
Judd won the right to stay in the game out of the Juror
Elissa wins HOH
Elissa Nominated Aaryn and McCrae
POV Players: Elissa Aaryn McCrae Picked Amanda Gina Marie HouseGuest Choice Judd Andy Hosted
Amanda won POV
What's New: 8/24/13
Elissa had a long DR session and when she came out she grabbed Aaryn and told Aaryn that she made a mistake and that she wants her to win Veto and she wants to Back Door Amanda..
We then had a block from the feeds where they picked for POV Players
Aaryn ran and told Amanda that Elissa wants to keep her and BD Amanda and this set Amanda off
We had mass chaos that whole night.
The HG's didn't go to sleep till early morning and at 10 am BBT we went to trivia
We didn't come back from to the live feeds till @ 1:15 pm BBT With Amanda winning and sporting her POV
FB 8/24/13 @ 1:35 pm Amanda says in the Bathroom
"Im coming after that bitch like osama bin laden omg she fucked me so far and she can eat my fucking asshole with a silver spoon.. I will murder that bitch in my sleep"
Elissa cried to Judd up in the HOH because she really wanted Amanda to go home. Judd tried to cheer her up but it didn't work
Andy began to get nervous knowing that he might be a replacement nom
Amanda told Aaryn that there was no way she was going home ever and that from this point on she doesn't care what deals she made with Elissa that she is not to talk to her anymore
Amanda gave out instructions to Aaryn to get GM back under her control because GM is up Elissa's butt
Aaryn went up to talk to Elissa about who would she nominate but Elissa didn't give her any response so Aaryn marched out of the room
McCrae told Andy that he's voting out Aaryn and that Andy shouldn't worry
GM went up to talk to Elissa and make sure she's not going up Eliss told her that Aaryn came up throwing GM under the bus and hinting that GM should go up on the block
Spencer takes his chance to talk game with Elissa and says that he wants Amanda out so he will vote out Aaryn for her and Honor their deal
Aaryn then comes up to the HOH while Spencer is there and tells Elissa that GM is lying to her just to stay safe and that if she wins HOH next week GM will put up Elissa. This i is Amanda's plan and Aaryn was a fool to go along and say it
Andy breaks down and says that the Zingbot POV Zinger he got really bothers him. That he is not a floater and that he doesn't want to go home by the hands of Elissa and being backstabbed by Amanda and McCrae
8/25/13 cams 1/2 4:25 BBT Amanda goes up to HOH to talk with Elissa and rub her face in the fact she won Veto
Amanda goes off on Elissa and visa versa.. Amanda tells Elissa to go ahead and nominate Andy he will go home and that she will get go home next week and walks out of the HOH
Amanda tells Andy to work Judd and Spencer to make them get Eliss to put up GM
@ 8:38 pm Amanda goes over to Elissa who is on the hammock with GM . She over heard Elissa talking about Amanda's Miscarriage . GM says that she didn't know and Amanda begins to call out Elissa talking about her personal situation
SIDEBAR: Week 1 of the Live Feeds Amanda said it was an Abortion to Kaitlin but now she is saying it's a miss carriage either way Amanda was the one who told people so it's all fair game and Elissa was only stating her opinion and stance to GM about it.
Amanda's next plan is to make GM her best friend so that Elissa will get scared that GM was playing her and she will put GM on the block.
SideBar: Elissa told GM in the HOH after veto to make sure that you keep your distance from me so they don't think anything has changed.
Andy goes up to HOH and wakes up Elissa to find out what she is going to do. Elissa doesn't tell him anything. says she doesn't know.
Elissa goes down to the kitchen and Amanda takes a horn they got from the POV and blows it in Elissa's face and ear.
Spencer Judd and Andy think they have convinced Elissa in the cockpit to put up GM and Andy starts to relax
@11:20 pm BBT
Judd gets grilled by Amanda and Judd calls out Amanda for smiling when he was backdoored on the Double Eviction. She wanted to know what he was talking to Elissa about and he told her to go talk to her yourself.
Judd has had enough of Amanda
8/25/13 11:40 am Judd and Elissa up in HOH
Judd tries to convince Elissa that she needs to put up GM to make sure Aaryn is gone
Elissa tells Judd that he is blind if he believes that Andy isn't still working with Amanda and Mccrae
1:48pm Judd tells Andy in the cockpit that he is most likely going up on the block
Andy then tells Mccrae that he's going up and Mccrae says that he will stay and not to worry Amanda in and tells andy to act like he's miserable all day
SideBar: Elissa was right Andy is still working with Amanda and Mcrae
Amanda decides that she wants to chase Elissa around the house and taunt her. Amanda again makes personal attacks on Elissa's family and husband
Amanda takes the Veto Plaque of Elissa's and puts it in the lower bathroom on the toilet
Elissa stayed up in her HOH room for most of the day and night.
Amanda took a condom and put it inside Elissa's memory wall ky and then took a maxi pad adn put ketchup on it and put it by her things
Elissa told production that she was tired of it and that she felt threatened and BB finally told Amanda to back off
Amanda tells Aaryn that she was called into the Dr and she didn't get in trouble but when she saw the person who she had to talk she was like WHOA. and that brought on fishies
SideBar: That had to be AG herself because Amanda most likely wouldn't listen to anyone that's just a PA in the DR
Amanda finally said that she was tired and that chasing Elissa around was exhausting
The HG's were told that the Photo Booth was reopened and this freaked Amanda out thinking that Elissa was getting a Pandora's Box but it was just that they didn't have enough photo's
Late night GM Spencer Judd and Andy formed a new alliance called the exterminators. however i do not believe it to be real as far as Andy goes. He will not leave Amanda and McCrae.
There was tons of drama in the past 72 hrs and my take on it is that Amanda crossed a line when she went personal and after hat I couldn't deal with writing a blog about it. I'm all for good game play but it seems that Amand and McCrae think it's ok for other's to be nominated but how dare Elissa nominate any of them. Andy is in the same boat with me he feels it's ok for him to use Elissa the first few weeks to his benefit and when she needs to make a move that she's an idiot Robot.
When the game gets like this i can be happy and write about it. In every season when it has cross this line i was able to take a step back from the hate but since i began this blog i feel that i owe it to all the people that read it an update.
What Happened today: 8/26/13
Amanda used the POV on McCrea and Andy was Nominated
Cams 1/2 11:03 am
Amanda went right back to taunting Elissa asking her how many doctors it took for her to get her face like it is. And why doesn't she look like any of her pictures
Elissa just laughed in Amanda's face and headed up to HOH to eat in peace
Aaryn goes into the kitchen and tells Elissa " you're a bitch I hope your son is proud of you"
Amanda told Aaryn that McCrae wants to keep Andy because he was part of their alliance before she was . That is Amanda's way of working a Jury vote.
Aaryn told Gina marie that she's not to trust them and that she doesn't have the votes to stay and that McCrae was not going to vote to keep her.
GM plays this part perfectly with fake tears and all
Saturday, August 24, 2013
#BB15 Spoilers HOH reveal, Dont put me up plea's and Elissa's Nominations
The Stats:
Helen evicted 4-1
All 4 Jurors came back to compete in HOH Off The Wall
Judd won the right to stay in the game out of the Jurors
Elissa wins HOH
Elissa Nominated Aaryn and McCrae
What's New:
Everyone was rehashing the HOH comp and Judd's return into the house
Elissa gave us a fake out before we got to see her HOH room
It was an awkward scene and vibe up in the HOH as the ass kissing continued
Elissa got Taylor Swift Cd A letter from Rachel and some hand paintings from her kids and a yoga mat and some Skinny Italian flavored wine/vodka
The HG's turned in early with tons of paranoia from Amanda McCrae and Aaryn
The morning the HG's were worked up early and told to get ready for an outside lockdown
Judd and Elissa kept assuring each other they would work with each other
They all made it to the SMALLER table which is a big deal in the Big Brother House and Game and some Big Brother Bowls
11:53am BBT cams 3/4
Elissa and GM pre nom talk GM knows she is safe
12:35 pm cams 3/4
Aaryn up to make her case with Elissa aaryn throws Amanda under the bus and tries to make a F2 deal with Elissa and a vote who you want out deal
Elissa's body language says she could care less
Aaryn: saying this is my dream I gave up a lot to be here
Elissa I gave up a lot to be here too and its a big deal for me to be here
Aaryn tells Elissa "Well you are Big Brother Blood and i know how much you deserve to be here"
OK hold on cuz this stare that Elissa gives Aaryn really means WHAT THE FUCK do you mean by that comment!
Aaryn wraps it up with her scratchy voice and her forced tears
Arryn goes into the fetal position after her talk with Elissa
12:48 Andy up to plead his case
Elissa tells him he's not going up and wants to know if he would put up Amanda and McCrae next week Andy doesn't want to put up people that he trusts. Elissa flat out tells him that she cant tell him things because he tells Amanda and McCrae things
Elissa makes a 2 week deal with Andy
1:30pm cams 3/4 McCrae up to plead his case
McCrae tells Elissa it doesn't make sense that she wants to put him up
Elissa isn't buying it and after 5 mins a glaze came over Elissa's eyes where she could care less what McCrae was saying.
Elissa ended it by saying you're going up
Judd back up to the HOH to talk to Eliss and they shake on a F2 deal
Aaryn Amanda McCrae are pissed at Gina Marie thinking she is kissing Elissa's butt
And Spencer made a one week deal with Elissa Thursday night so he feels safe with that.
There has been no Have Not Comp today and the HG's are on Inside Lockdown for the POV on Saturday
The season is ending soon and you don't want to be without the LIVE FEEDS You can buy them from us here to see all the Comps, Fights Tears and Final days!
Helen evicted 4-1
All 4 Jurors came back to compete in HOH Off The Wall
Judd won the right to stay in the game out of the Jurors
Elissa wins HOH
Elissa Nominated Aaryn and McCrae
What's New:
Everyone was rehashing the HOH comp and Judd's return into the house
Elissa gave us a fake out before we got to see her HOH room
It was an awkward scene and vibe up in the HOH as the ass kissing continued
Elissa got Taylor Swift Cd A letter from Rachel and some hand paintings from her kids and a yoga mat and some Skinny Italian flavored wine/vodka
The morning the HG's were worked up early and told to get ready for an outside lockdown
Judd and Elissa kept assuring each other they would work with each other
They all made it to the SMALLER table which is a big deal in the Big Brother House and Game and some Big Brother Bowls
11:53am BBT cams 3/4
Elissa and GM pre nom talk GM knows she is safe
12:35 pm cams 3/4
Aaryn up to make her case with Elissa aaryn throws Amanda under the bus and tries to make a F2 deal with Elissa and a vote who you want out deal
Elissa I gave up a lot to be here too and its a big deal for me to be here
Aaryn tells Elissa "Well you are Big Brother Blood and i know how much you deserve to be here"
OK hold on cuz this stare that Elissa gives Aaryn really means WHAT THE FUCK do you mean by that comment!
Aaryn wraps it up with her scratchy voice and her forced tears
Arryn goes into the fetal position after her talk with Elissa
12:48 Andy up to plead his case
Elissa tells him he's not going up and wants to know if he would put up Amanda and McCrae next week Andy doesn't want to put up people that he trusts. Elissa flat out tells him that she cant tell him things because he tells Amanda and McCrae things
Elissa makes a 2 week deal with Andy
McCrae tells Elissa it doesn't make sense that she wants to put him up
Elissa isn't buying it and after 5 mins a glaze came over Elissa's eyes where she could care less what McCrae was saying.
Elissa ended it by saying you're going up
Judd back up to the HOH to talk to Eliss and they shake on a F2 deal
Amanda stayed in bed after noms and said that this is the most defeated she has ever been while she shoveled cake into her mouth
Aaryn Amanda McCrae are pissed at Gina Marie thinking she is kissing Elissa's butt
And Spencer made a one week deal with Elissa Thursday night so he feels safe with that.
There has been no Have Not Comp today and the HG's are on Inside Lockdown for the POV on Saturday
The season is ending soon and you don't want to be without the LIVE FEEDS You can buy them from us here to see all the Comps, Fights Tears and Final days!
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