Friday, September 6, 2013

Way too long of a season to be this disgusted! #BB15 #Spoilers #HOH #POV

The Stats:

Amanda Evicted on a tie breaker by Gina Marie 3-2

McCrae won HOH Go Fetch

McCrae nominated Elissa and Gina Marie

Judd won POV BB500

Judd did not use the POV

Elissa Evicted 3-0

Spencer won HOH

Spencer got to dish out  Punishments from HOH  to 3 HG's

McCrae and Gina Marie are handcuffed for 24 hrs

Judd has to do Exercises every time a whistle blows for 24 hrs

Andy had a shot at wining $5000 but only won $94.00

Spencer Nominated Gina Marie and McCrae to be on the block 

What's New:

I know it's been awhile since I have taken the time to write a blog for all the fans. This blog stuff was never to be a lengthy in depth blog. It was just supposed to be a "buffer" for the live shows and recaps that I do. 

But I have found that most fans enjoyed reading them with the view counts I began receiving. I also noticed some people or "bloggers" enjoyed stealing my work. 

I was always ticked off about that but figured it will be ok as long as doing this PAID OFF. But as many bloggers, writers and short comers know it doesn't PAY OFF EVER!

I spent hours gathering information for the blog. Information that I already spent hours transcribing on a forum. I was doing double the amount of work. And for what? Adsense? Adsense is a joke! Especially with everyone that has AdBlock and that includes me!

For the amount of time to piece out the work, lay it out, screencap, watermark, get FlashBack times and then to post to have only made $0.54 in August IS A FREAKING JOKE!

This season never had high hopes once the cast drank a ton of STUPIDITY with ass wiping of hats to racial slurs and bed flipping. But now that we are left with 5 HG's that are nothing more than farting, burping, cursing, bashing, degrading, delusional, dick pulling, dick smacking and circle back to bashing of HG's that are no longer in the house I AM DONE writing about it!

I so appreciate all those that have written/blogged/posted in the past season's. I have went to their sites to see THEIR viewpoint of things going on inside the BB house and will continue to do so.

With me doing LIVE Shows and Recaps Shows you get my viewpoint loud and clear! And yes I know sometimes TOO LOUD! 

Bottom line I'm not going into solitude it's just a blog that was a buffer to live shows for the Big Brother 15 season that's being put to rest... for now.

You can always catch me on social media.You know you can hit me up at anytime and I will get back to you. 

So I will wrap this up THANKING EVERY ONE OF YOU that read my blogs! Trust me the numbers were insane and never expected! Thank You Thank You!

You all know where to find me on Twitter  @UgotBronx

And you also know you can find me where I transcribe at Reality Fan Forum